Colorado Springs, CO


Gravel Driveway

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You may be considering various options for your driveway, but a gravel driveway offers a unique blend of affordability, durability, and aesthetic appeal. It creates a naturally beautiful setting for your home and allows for easier drainage and less upkeep compared to traditional asphalt driveways. If you value a material that combines form and function, a gravel driveway could perfectly match your home.

Here at Apex Asphalt Paving, we know that a driveway isn’t just a place to park your car; it’s an investment in your home’s value and curb appeal. Serving the Colorado Springs area, we put our expertise and high-quality materials to work to give you a driveway that will stand the test of time. We believe that the foundation of any successful project is excellent customer service and a product that speaks for itself. With Apex Asphalt Paving, you’re not just getting a driveway; you’re getting peace of mind.

When choosing the suitable material for your driveway, you might be overwhelmed by the options available. Gravel driveways, however, offer a variety of benefits that can make this choice an appealing one for many homeowners. Here’s why a gravel driveway might just be the best fit for you:

Easy Installation

One of the most immediate benefits is the quick and straightforward installation process. Unlike concrete or asphalt, which require a significant amount of time to set and cure, a gravel driveway can be laid and used almost immediately.


Gravel is generally less expensive than other driveway materials like asphalt or concrete. Not only are the materials themselves usually more affordable, but the installation costs are also typically lower, making it a cost-effective option for many homeowners.

Improved Drainage

One natural advantage of gravel is its ability to handle water runoff more efficiently than solid, impervious surfaces. This means fewer puddles and less potential for flooding.

Low Maintenance

Once installed, gravel driveways require relatively little upkeep. Any holes or ruts that form can be easily leveled with a rake. While you may need to occasionally replenish the gravel, the overall maintenance is generally less intensive than other materials.


Gravel is a permeable material, allowing water to pass through, reducing runoff and making it a more environmentally friendly driveway option. Plus, it is often sourced locally, reducing the environmental impact associated with transport.


Though it might not seem like it at first glance, gravel is a highly durable material that can handle heavy loads and frequent use. Plus, because it’s composed of multiple small pieces, it has a level of “give” that more rigid materials like concrete don’t have, reducing the risk of cracking.

At Apex Asphalt Paving, we’ve honed our skills in creating gravel driveways that offer all these benefits and add a touch of elegance to your property. With our commitment to customer service and quality workmanship, you can be sure that your investment will yield a long-lasting, aesthetically pleasing driveway.


Our Services

Our Location

Colorado Springs, CO

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8am – 6pm

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