Colorado Springs, CO


Parking Lot Striping

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Apex Parking Lot Striping

When you think about the aesthetics and safety of your commercial property, parking lot striping might not be the first thing that comes to mind parking lot striping is essential for guiding drivers and pedestrians safely and ensuring an organized parking area. Beyond aesthetics, these markings help maintain efficient vehicle spacing and clear pathways, enhancing your parking lot’s overall functionality and safety.

At Apex Asphalt Paving, we understand the importance of a well-maintained parking lot. Serving the Colorado Springs area, we have built a reputation based on our commitment to exceptional customer service. When you choose us, you choose quality, professionalism, and a team dedicated to ensuring your parking lot meets the highest standards.

What are the Benefits of a Well-Striped Parking Area?

A properly striped parking lot is not just about aesthetics; it offers functional advantages that can greatly benefit businesses and their patrons. Here’s why striping your parking area is an essential move:

Enhanced Safety

Clear markings in a parking lot guide drivers and pedestrians, ensuring safe movement. Well-defined lanes and crosswalks reduce the chances of collisions and accidents, making it safer for everyone using the space.

Improved Space Efficiency

Effective striping optimizes the available space, allowing for a maximum number of vehicles without causing congestion. This means more customers can access your establishment anytime, improving overall customer flow.

ADA Compliance

Proper parking lot striping ensures designated spots for disabled individuals, adhering to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. This caters to all customers and showcases your commitment to inclusivity.

Reduced Liability

With clear markings and guidelines, the risk of accidents and mishaps decreases. This reduction in potential incidents can lead to fewer liability claims against your establishment, safeguarding your business interests.

Our Comprehensive Parking Lot Striping Services

At Apex Asphalt Paving, we understand the intricate needs of parking lots. From setting up a new area to maintaining an existing one, our range of services ensures your parking space always meets the highest standards.

New Parking Lot Line Striping

Laying out a new parking lot requires precision and expertise. Our team ensures that every line is meticulously painted, offering a clear roadmap for drivers and maximizing the efficiency of your space.

Re-striping Existing Lot

An effective parking lot isn’t a one-time setup; it requires regular upkeep. Re-striping should be conducted every 12-24 months to ensure clarity and safety. With our expert touch, faded lines get a fresh coat, maintaining the efficiency and appeal of your lot.

Sealcoating and Striping

Beyond striping, your parking lot deserves protection. We offer commercial sealcoating services to preserve the asphalt’s integrity. Once the sealcoating is applied and dried, we re-stripe the parking lot, ensuring it looks as good as new and lasts longer.

Specialty Markings

Modern parking areas need to accommodate various needs. We offer specialty markings for features such as bike lanes and EV charging stations, ensuring your lot is equipped for the demands of today’s society.

What Does it Cost to Stripe a Lot in Colorado Springs?

Understanding the cost dynamics of striping a parking lot in Colorado Springs can be intricate as several variables come into play. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all price for every lot.

For instance, if you’re looking at re-striping an existing lot, the cost is typically lower than stripping a new lot from scratch. Why? Existing layouts require less planning and labor, making the process faster and more straightforward. On the other hand, a brand-new layout demands meticulous planning, precise measurements, and more hands on deck.

Additionally, opting for specialty markings – think bike lanes or EV charging stations – can add to the overall cost due to the unique requirements and techniques involved.

Given the variability in pricing, the most efficient way to understand the costs tailored to your needs is to contact us directly. We invite you to contact Apex Asphalt Paving for a free, no-obligation estimate. Our team is on standby, ready to assist and clarify your parking lot project.


Our Services

Our Location

Colorado Springs, CO

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8am – 6pm

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